How energy healing can benefit you during the pandemic

Release Trapped Emotions.

2020 has been a crazy year! The pandemic has brought about a lot of uncertainty and change contributing to stress. Being an empath, I pick up a lot of energy from others. Fear, vulnerability, anxiety and insecurity are among some of the most overwhelming emotions coming up for people. This is attributed to the worry of the virus, social distancing, lockdowns, change in work environments (such as working from home) or financial stress from job loss, and so many unknowns in the future. These are on top of already existing stresses of high responsibility, overtime, deadlines, travel time to and from work, the desire for more, family problems and debt issues. Stress affects our thought processes and can cause people to lose their motivation and interest in life. It also shuts down the immune system, lowers concentration and decreases our productivity.

From stress, negative emotions such as fear, anger, resentment, disappointment, humiliation, guilt etc. can arise and get trapped in our energy field. This can lead to physical and emotional symptoms such as sadness, insomnia, anxiety, headaches, pain, to more serious issues like heart problems, diabetes, or even cancer.

As an energy healer, I find and release trapped emotions from a client’s energy field, giving relief or even eliminating the symptoms they are experiencing.

You may be wondering what is energy healing and what does it involve? Energy healing is a gentle non-invasive method of healing that helps deal with stress by boosting the flow of life force energy in the body. Unresolved emotions form balls of energy that become layered in the body which in turn manifest into physical and emotional health problems. This happens as it blocks the flow of energy and causes the tissue to vibrate at a low frequency, affecting the surrounding tissues, leading to pain, emotional upset or even disease. Every emotion released decreases stress on the immune system and increases immune function creating a stronger, healthier organism.

In order to truly heal and bring a person back to 100 % health we must look at the root cause of the problems and heal the spirit. Spiritual healing helps one to stay strong and positive and creates peace of mind. It is also beneficial to prevent future illness by releasing emotions before they turn into physical or emotional symptoms in the body. In order to do this, I first use muscle testing techniques to identify the emotions that are trapped and then after discussing the situation that lead to the emotion becoming trapped, I use a magnet to release it. I also use reiki healing, which involves channeling healing energy to the client through gentle touch. I can do appointments in office as well as through distance healing as I can connect with your energy, either on the phone or through video calls.

In conclusion energy healing is a great method of healing to heal physical and emotional symptoms at all times, but especially during the uncertain times of this pandemic. It can help you to boost your immune system, as well as help you overcome the stress stemming from emotions that have been stirred up, bringing about peace of mind.


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